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Choose Townhouses or Apartments When Your Family Has Chidren
After the two-year-old child fell from the 12th floor, there were mixed opinions. It is said that staying was a ground floor, it will be safer. It is said that staying was on the high floor, it will be safer. However, you live in any place, there were also ricky matters.The house on the ground has a high floor, it also has a balcony. Moreover,there are the gap between the two stairs in the house, or many cases of housing on the ground children jokingly run to the street, and so on. In general, houses with young children must always have a plan for preventing the risks.
When you predict risk issues, there will be able to occur, and there are a risk prevention plans. This level will limit lowly the risk of losses. Just like wanting good health, you have to have a reasonable diet, exercise and annual health check-up.
In summary,you live in an apartment building or house on the ground, a house with a baby must observe every corner. In addition, you should take a plan to prevent possible risks to ensure the safety of the baby.
From the right and wrong perspective of the investor, if you only look at the picture from the clip, it is difficult to confirm. It is necessary to find out accurate information about the regulations of the state standard apartment balcony, as well as the actual dimensions of the railings that have occurred (height, sparseity, designs, etc). If the investors do wrong, it is necessary to impose heavy penalties to deter and set an example for other investors.
From the perspective of balcony design, as well as most balconies of high-rise ground buildings, the investor of apartment building can not wrap the entire balcony. Since their home buyers are not only families with young children, but also families with children who have raised enough awareness not to climb dangerously, or families that are only all adults.
And if the housing is all adults, no one likes the balcony of their house is bad. The investor cannot make products that meet the needs of 100% of customers, but only to some extent suitable for the customer group they target, each customer if they have chosen the product, adapt itself to suit the most (for example, repainting their favorite color , replacing tiles, rotating the location of the kitchen in the direction, safety options for their young children,etc).
Not only are there ground houses, or apartmenst, but the house with the highest consciousness is the safest house.
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