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When Buying An Apartment You Should Buy High or Low Floor
Condominiums today become a type of housing chosen by many residents, because of the utilities and services it offers. Choosing an apartment to live in is a trend of young families today. However, most residents gradually have the same concern as whether to choose a high or low floor when buying an apartment?
Advantages of apartments with high floor
Apartments with high floor are often liked by many people, because the view of high floors are nice outside space. If you choose a luxury apartment, the top spaces of the building are worth caring about. These are spacious penhouse apartments, duplex.
In addition, at high floors are fresh air, quiet, a good sleep, so the quality of life is higher. Therefore, there will be limited by many diseases, related to the respiratory . In addition, the high floors will limit insects such as mosquitoes,cockroach, mice, and so on.
Disadvantages of apartments with high floor
Apartments in high positions will be risky when the fire happens. Nowadays, the fire system in Vietnam only comes to certain floors, so the higher positions are more difficult. Moreover, when the elevator of the building have the problems, the travel problems of apartments with high flooor are a big matter.
In addition, on high floors are strong wind, especially in the rainy season if the doors and windows are not good, there will be very dangerous for members in the family. In summer, the high floor is hotter, because it is not shielded from the sun.
Advantages of apartments with low floor
First, apartments with low floor will have travel time up and down quickly. When there is suddenly a trouble about the elevator, travelling or exiting will become easily. Second, apartments with low floor also do not have to bear unplesant sunlight due to being sheltered by the surrounding apartment towers and the upper floors.
Disadvantages of apartments with low floor
Outside vision is limited, more noise, dusty. Especially buildings with commercial centers, the lower floors will be affected by the smell of smoke from restaurants, noise from the play areas.
In summary, whether you choose an apartment on a high or low floor, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, according to the point of view of many people, when choosing to buy an apartment, you should choose an apartment in a mid-range location from the 8th to the 15th floor, those are the nicest apartments. Because of in this position, you can both avoid dust and not too high when a fire occurs.
In addition, the choice of high or low apartment depends on many external factors. For example, the surrounding buildings are high, so you should try to choose apartments a little above to ensure the view is not obscured by other buildings around.
Or in the case of luxury apartments, it is recommended to choose high floors, because high-end apartments often build in locations with beautiful views. Therefore, you should take advantage of those visions to increase the quality of life. Besides, when staying in a high-class apartment, the quality of elevators (width, load, system, speed) will be of good interest by investor. Thus, the issues related to elevators are also very important.