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Should The Customers Invest In The Apartment Or Send Saving In Banks?
You have finance . You don't know if you should invest in buying apartments or send saving at bank?
You have referenced a few places ,but you still have not found any apartment in Ho Chi Minh City.
You want to bring your idle amount to the bank for the monthly interest.
Try with us to do a simple calculation between two choices:
. Buy Apartment
. Deposit money into bank earning interest.
At the present time when the interest rate of deposits at banks is increasing in order to create attraction into idle financing source in residents. A few people brought money to the bank to send. Sending money to the bank is one of the safest solutions for everyone who does not desire business.They do not want to embark on business as well as understand at golden time to buy – sell apartments, projects.
Deposit interest rate at the current moment is applied by the banks here , sometimes this interest rate is up to 8% per year. So if there are one billion dongs of savings per month ,the sender also brings nearly 7 million without thinking and worrying. This form guarantees that the person who has the deposit and leisurely is not bothered about how the land is up and down.
However, with some people who prefer to do business, they invest in the home market as well as the apartment market HCMC is different. They always want their coins to be rotated, circulating, and have an ascending direction over time. They are not satisfied to receive their monthly interest and the original money is still original.
According to them, if there was one billion, it was also 70% of the apartment value. They will boldly borrow more bank 30% of the remaining value to invest in apartments. The amount of the loan they will pay from 5 to10 years depends on the choice. During the bank loan they will rent the apartment. Price of apartments for in Ho Chi Minh City now ranges from 12 million to 15 million for new condominiums. For more condominiums than the rental price is up to 20 million or more. So with the amount of this lease they extracted the part to installment the bank, they are still a decent account. The remaining amount will surely be larger than the amount of one billion dongs when they sent to the bank.
Say so to we all see that: it is impossible to say that investment in the apartment is risky and sending money in banks is sure . But with the elderly, there is no strength outside the market, sending money in the bank is also considered a safe solution at the present time.
With all young people, be bold to invest. Let Green House learn about the best apartment projects in Ho Chi Minh City today to make the chance double your capital into reality quickly.