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What Is A Real Estate Brokerage?
It is said that real estate brokers there are some allergic people and adding to them an unsympathied name "Co Dat".
"Co Dat" in people's minds is usually:
- Professional cheating persons.
- Getting money in buying and selling land of customers.
- Getting a high percentage of commissions.
- Certificate or qualifications level are not required. They just speak skillfully, entice customers to have income.
However, those theories were only true for professional brokers in the old days when the real estate market had not operated roaring yet. The purchase is only simple between individuals each other.
How are "Co Dat" trained now and working professionally?
Since the real estate market came into operation scientifically. The exchanges operate simultaneously, in order to meet the needs of customers. The need must have a team of consultants, professional brokers for the industry is inevitable.
What is the job of a real estate broker?
Nowadays real estate brokerage is understood to be an intermediary that connects the buyer's needs with the seller. Most real estate exchanges can not help having a team of staff for consultation and polite and professional brokers. Thanks to a team of consultants, the real estate market today has been operating extremely efficiently. Solve the work makes a lot of young people even older people still need part-time jobs. Thanks to the professional enthusiasm of the consultants and brokers, most customers have sold good price townhouses. Moreover,when they want to buy apartments, they will also find good price apartments to be suitable for the financial conditions of themselves and their families. They are the persons who have outlined a good plan for owning a good priced apartment for customers. Customers only need to rely on that plan to consider their actual ability, and then they will decide whether to buy or sell apartments and houses.
Not only do they advise and help customers so that customers may choose the appropriate housing for the requirements of customers, but also the brokerage consultant team also completed most of the legal procedures, purchases related to apartments, townhouses, etc. Provide information about the apartment, about the project that customers want to buy. Preferential policies, commissions, promotions for customers. They not only perform well in maintaining relationships with customers, but also have to implement all the policies and requirements of the real estate company.
It can be said that besides the development of the real estate market, the development of professional consultants and brokers is very necessary. It's a profession that needs to be recognized by society, not just "Co Dat" who are hoax persons as they used to think.
Therefore, all young people who are passionate about business, they want to pursue a career as a real estate broker, let’s prepare for themselves with basic knowledge from school, from economics in order that they can be able to have success from their chosen profession.
Each industry has its own difficulties. Let’s do your job with all your passion and understanding, you will get the good things from it.